Solar PV Panels


Accountants play a pivotal role at every stage of your business, from Start-up to maturity.

Below are a few indicators that it may be time to change :

• Poor service and/or mistakes.
• Increased queries from the Revenue Commissioners.
• Proactive service not provided.
• Unexpected fees, CRO and Tax Liabilities.
• Little or no value added to your business.
• Lack of expertise and technical knowledge.
• Meetings cancelled or phone calls not returned promptly.
• Agreed upon deadlines not met.
• Regularly missing Tax or Companies Office filing deadlines.
• Accounts finalised only days before deadlines.

Changeover Process

The Process is easy. We guide clients through this transition on a weekly basis.

Step 1 –
An initial meeting to determine your needs.

Step 2 –
When we have established that we can add value to your business, we will write to your current Accountant advising them of your intention to change.

Step 3 –
Following professional clearance, we request a copy of your accounting and tax records along with any paperwork they have belonging to you.